Friday Mar 29, 2024

How To Dump Bad Habits

Dumping bad habits can be a challenging but a life changing, rewarding process. There are however some well proven pathways you can take advantage of. For example, if you're trying to quit smoking, consider taking up a new hobby or engaging in physical activity when you feel the urge to smoke.

The first step always as this varies from person to person to clearly define the unhealthy habit you want to change. Be specific about when, where, and why you are committed to change.

Instead of just eliminating a habit, consider replacement with a healthier alternative. To ensure meaningful progress and lasting change, all of this should remain highly personal. If you share with others outside of your professional care, it should be in a small private circle, not in a social media arena or group. I recommend handwriting in a small notebook you can carry around with you as the best way to accomplish this.

Once you identify what the habit is, how do you think you would best eliminate it? First some habits, cold turkey still works the best. For others though breaking down your overall goal into smaller, achievable steps may in fact the best for you. For example, diet is a big one.

This is why I commonly recommend patients track what they know they need to do and set a plan out in writing to make one change at a time. This makes the process more manageable and helps you stay motivated. When you are not sure what to do or what would be best to do first, this is the time to schedule a sit down with us so we can help you through the process...

You can read much more in the full article as well as contact us HERE

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